
Primatte keyer 5.1.9 serial number
Primatte keyer 5.1.9 serial number

primatte keyer 5.1.9 serial number

This is most common when filming blonde people against a blue or greenscreen as their translucent hair will absorb the backing screen color. If the foreground object was filmed close to the backing screen or with less than ideal lighting conditions, the foreground object will usually have ‘spill’ somewhere on it.

primatte keyer 5.1.9 serial number

This allows the user to replace the solid colored background with a background image of their choice. The solid colored background area is removed and replaced with transparency. Primatte is usually activated on a foreground image with a person or other foreground object filmed or digitized against a solid colored background or backing screen usually a bluescreen or a greenscreen.

Primatte keyer 5.1.9 serial number